Our Guide
Here you will find everything you need to know when shopping in Bovey Larder .
We operate slightly differently from other shops and supermarkets. Our main aim is to reduce single use plastics that most larder goods are wrapped in. We stock your larder staples in bulk and then you can buy as much or as little as you need. We also have a range of products to make living an ecological friendlier life easier.
What containers can I use?
You can bring your own containers to fill up, these can be mason jars, Tupperware, takeaway cartons, canvas bags, coffee jars, or even pringle tins. We are happy for you to fill any container; all we ask is that you wash them thoroughly before filling.
- If you forget your containers or don’t want to carry them, we have lots of paper bags we can fill up. These can be re-used or recycled.
- We also have lots of containers for sale from recycled glass mason jars, to post consumer recycled plastic pump bottles and toilet cleaner bottles, to jars for honey and small spice jars.
Note – Bovey Larder Ltd does not accept any liability for any contamination after products have been decanted into customer’s own containers.
How do I fill up my containers and pay?
You can either follow the steps below or we can walk you through how to do it. Lots of our customers prefer that we serve them, and that is good too. Remember, there are no mistakes we have not made ourselves lots of times.
Filling containers can be messy – we are used to spills!
1. Weigh Empty
The first thing you need to do is weigh your empty container. Go to our digital scales, under the Weigh Here sign! Place your empty container on the scales and press ‘Container Label’ on the screen. Then press ‘Press here to print label’ and a label with the weight of your container (often called the Tare Weight) will be printed. Place this label on your container.
Note – even if you have a very light bag you still need to weigh it. Our scales cannot work out how much product you have bought without the tare weight.
If you are using one of our paper bags, we have each size already weighed so you can just take a new bag, fill it and use one of the examples when you come to weigh.
2. Fill
Browse our many scoop bins and gravity and choose what you would like to buy. Fill your container will as little or as much as you like.
3. Weigh Filled
Return to the scales and using the laser gun, scan your container label. The containers weight will be shown under the heading ‘Tar Kg’ on the top left hand of the screen. Place your full container on the scales. Using the touch screen select the product category, e.g., Herbs if you are buying cinnamon. Next select the product you are buying, e.g., cinnamon. Press the green ‘Press Here to Print Label’ on the touch screen. A label will be printed showing the product, the weight of the product minus the tare weight and the price. It also contains a bar code which we will scan at the till.
Either return to step one and chose more products or
4. Pay
Bring your item and label over to the till to pay.
What sort of containers can I use for liquids such as surface cleaner or shampoo?
You can reuse empty cleaning or toiletry bottles to fill up on our liquids. Or we do have post-consumer recycled plastic bottles that you can buy and fill. We advise against using drink bottles for cleaning and bathroom products to prevent the risk of confusion and then the liquids being digested accidently.
We also have many of the Mininl liquids and Elm Kind liquids ready made up in reusable bottles, which you can buy and then refill again and again.
Do you sell Gluten Free products?
We have a range of Gluten Free products. However, as a zero-waste shop none of our products are vacuum sealed in plastic. This means we cannot guarantee that our products may not contain traces of allergens including milk, peanuts, nuts, sesame and gluten.
Note – Food Allergies and Intolerances. All our products may contain traces of allergens including milk, peanuts, nuts, sesame and gluten.
Where do you source your products?
We use a number of different suppliers. We try and ensure that all our supplier fit with the ethos of our shop. We love a story and many of our products are not only local but have interesting facts surrounding them that means your money is buying more than just the product but may also be helping a local small business, planting trees for the environment or helping retrain prison inmates.