height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=577043297272901&ev=PageView &noscript=1"/



Please read to the end, when you submit your application form, you are agreeing to abide by these terms & conditions.

1 Exhibitors must keep their stall open and attended by knowledgeable staff throughout the period of the event. Trading hours are 10am to 5pm.

2 Exhibitors may not sub-let space within the area allocated to them.

3 The organiser reserves the right to move stands and reallocate space previously notified to exhibitors and to cancel and/or amend the event if required by circumstances outside their control.

4 The organiser will remove any part of the display outside the limits of an exhibitor’s allocated space and may further restrict the display or demonstration of any mechanical or other equipment should it be a nuisance to other exhibitors or the visiting public. Music or sound amplification equipment is not permitted for use on trade stands.

5 Please do not put stock or equipment on the pavement behind your stand as this an obstruction and a tripping hazard and prevents the public visiting business premises on Fore Street.

6 Exhibitors must not sell goods of an inflammable, noxious or obscene nature, and the organiser will remove any such unsuitable material from the Festival.

6 Exhibitors wishing to sell produce substantially different in nature from that accepted by the selection panel must apply to the organiser in writing.

8 The organiser accepts no liability for loss or damage to traders’ produce, neither during the event nor during setting-up or dismantling. Insurance is the responsibility of the individual trader and traders are expected to ensure they are covered for all eventualities including public liability

9 Payment in full must be received by Friday 1st May 2025. The organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to traders who have not paid for their stand in full prior to the event opening.

10 Space is allocated on receipt of full payment. Traders who cancel within 30 days of the start of the event are liable for the total costs of the stand.

11 Bovey Festival reserves the right to withdraw their offer of space from any trader owing monies to the event on any account. The organiser also reserves the right to reject applications from traders who have contravened the Terms and Conditions at previous events.

12 If, because of war, fire, strike, pandemic, adverse weather conditions or other cause beyond the control of the organisers, the event is cancelled, the organisers shall have no liability to exhibitors for the refund of stand fees or loss of income resulting from such cancellation.

13 All traders should give full co-operation to the appointed publicity contractor and official photographer in attempting to achieve coverage and promotion for the event.

14 Please ensure displays are adequately stocked with saleable goods made by the producer for the duration of the event.

15 Whilst the organiser takes every effort to ensure that producers’ details are correct in the promotional material for Bovey Festival, the organiser cannot accept responsibility for any errors printed therein and the organisers shall have no liability to exhibitors for any claims resulting from such errors.


16 In consideration of Bovey Festival assisting traders in promoting their work, traders must agree to grant the event a non exclusive copyright licence for the calendar year 2025/26 for any promotional images supplied to Nourish Festival and/or its appointed publicity contractor, for the purposes of promoting and publicising their products during 2025/26.  In granting this licence exhibitors should be aware that the promotions may include the use of these materials on the Internet (World Wide Web) and that any images supplied may be scanned and held digitally for this purpose. The copyright is and will continue to be beneficially and solely owned by the trader, who must ensure that it does not and will not infringe on any other copyright and that no information contained in the materials is or shall be inaccurate, misleading or injurious.

17 Traders must park in the allocated traders car park at all times during public opening times unless given permission for mobility reasons.


All traders have a responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others. The organiser shall not be held responsible by any exhibitor or their staff/agents or members of the public for any injury or loss due to negligence or unsafe displays. All traders are required to have carried out an assessment of the potential risks associated with their activities. All food producer and street food vendors, are required to supply an up to date risk assessment for events.


Safety, Licensing & Public Liability

Public Liability

All traders enter at their own risk. All traders should ensure that they are adequately insured on the date of the festival for Public, Product and Employees Liability and should send a copy of the relevant documents with their application form. All traders must ensure that they have the necessary licence(s) to legally conduct their business on the day.

For alcohol sellers, please provide a copy of your license as Authorisation to Sell Alcohol. We prefer and strongly recommend that stalls selling alcohol are overseen by a personal licence holder. You may require other licences/permits, these are your responsibility. Copies of all applicable licences/permits must be sent to the organisers if accepted.

Fire safety equipment

Traders must provide fire safety equipment appropriate to their activities. In particular, all exhibitors that cook on site must have adequate fire fighting equipment including fire blankets. The organisers shall not be held responsible for loss or damage of stock or equipment, howsoever caused, during the festival.

Environmental Health & Trading Standards

Food & beverage sellers should ensure that they are registered with their local authority prior to the Festival. Traders are expected to comply with relevant legislation in respect of Trading Standards, Health and Safety and Environmental Health of Teignbridge District Council. Stalls are liable to be inspected during the Festival and those deemed not to comply with relevant regulations may be shut down. Food producers should ensure that they have an adequate food safety management system, ensuring that the food they prepare and sell is safe to eat. Further information on food regulations and environmental health is available from the Teignbridge District Council website on https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/media/4338/guide-to-managing-mobile-catering-vendors.pdf


Stallholders are expected to keep their surrounding areas as clean as possible throughout the Festival. Where appropriate adequate precautions should be taken to prevent oil / fluid spillage by the use of trays underneath all vehicles. Facilities for refuse disposal and recycling will be provided on site. No trade waste is to be placed in the public bins and should be removed to the skips provided. You are responsible for the disposal of any foul water/oil/fluid and we recommend that you take it away with you in a suitable foul drainage system.


Electrical supplies are available. These must be booked and paid for on your application form, and an accurate list of appliances provided. Extension leads if required (from the supplied unit) are the responsibility of the exhibitor and are not available from the organisers.   Should your electrical appliances exceed the supply booked, our  electricians reserve the right to disconnect the power supply to your pitch.


No single use plastic and no polystyrene is to be used to serve food and drinks at Bovey Festival.

All food containers, packaging, plates and cutlery etc. should be constructed of biodegradable materials such as paper and wood. Drinks containers should be recyclable and we prefer recyclable plastic to biodegradable plastic. If biodegradable drink containers are used, they should be clearly marked.


Traders may NOT bring their own generators onto site except by prior arrangement with the Organiser in writing. All electrical equipment must be certified and have a current PAT certificate. This certificate must be made available for inspection by our electrician at the Festival. Please note that non PAT tested equipment cannot be used under any circumstances. All gas equipment must be covered by a current gas certificate issued by a registered gas engineer. Once accepted, please forward copies of PAT/Gas certificate(s) with your application form.